Cultures Céréalières Lapointe Grain Center

Storage capacity: 2200 MT


  • Provide market outlet for local farmers
  • Optimize the marketing of commodities produced by the joint venture
  • Context
  • Achievements
  • Investments and Economic Benefits

Storage capacity: 2200 MT

The grain center was built in 2015 to meet the operational needs of the joint venture during harvesting.

The center now has sufficient capacity to process crops from local customers, in addition to increasing the marketing capacity of the joint venture.

In 2018, work was initiated to increase the drying capacity of the center, to provide this service to local farmers.


To date, the project has required partner investments of more than $700,000. Annually, the grain center processes an average of 1000 MT of grain from outside the joint venture.


In 2018, an additional investment doubled the drying capacity of the grain center.